
I am not a doctor. This blog should not in any way be used as a substitute for the opinion of a medical professional.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

176.4 - 30 Pounds to Go

My starting weigh, measured this morning, as always, in the buff, is 176.4 lbs.  Therefore, my goal is to get down to 146.4 by April 17, 2010.  A person set on becoming thin, I'm sure, could lose the weight more quickly.  My goal, although being thinner is a nice benefit, is not to get super skinny, but rather to get super healthy.

Each week, I will focus on a new aspect of dieting or fitness, with the hopes of establishing good habits that will be long lasting.

This week's challenge- eat 3 meals at regular intervals with healthy, low calorie snacks in between.

I don't buy into the idea of eating lots of little snacks throughout the day.  I understand the concept, maintaining one's blood sugar levels, but I've tried this way and it doesn't work for me.  I just end up eating all day.

The real challenge for me with this goal is scheduling.  My weekday schedule is hectic to say the least.  It's not just that I work a lot.  I also go to school.  On a given day, I am traveling from one place to another in 2 hour intervals, with little time to stop and eat.  Or else, I'm caring so many things out the front door with me in the morning that to bring lunch and possible dinner, as well as snacks is a real challenge.  And there is no place to microwave anything, or fridge to keep things cold it, so I have to really plan ahead.

But, it's the weekend right now.  Here is what I've had to eat so far today-

A protein smoothie with frozen berries and yogurt.
A cup of black coffee

A low-fat yogurt
An apple
A handful of pumpkin seeds

A tablespoon of all natural peanut butter and honey

For dinner, I plan on Quorn patties with wild rice and asparagus.

Quorn is a brand name for something called mycoprotien.  It's a meat substitute which resembles chicken and is a good diet choice because it's low in fat and has a low glycemic index.  This is an important factor for dieters, from what I've read, because it doesn't spike up your blood sugar levels.

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