To make matters worse, I was I seem to be coming down with a cold and I overslept this morning, skipping breakfast. For lunch I made a spicy noodle soup to help clear my head. I loaded myself up with cough drops and Italian ices and took the rest of the day off from work. But I didn't want to cook so I had two frozen empanades. They were really small and not very satisfying, and not entirely healthy either, I'm sure. So, I had the left overs from last night, which were oily and gross. I had two of the ices throughout the evening to help with my sore throat. The sugar in them set off a bad cycle of cravings for me and I ended up eating a bunch of junk to satisfy need, but nothing helped. I tried Hershey's kisses, a granola bar, an apple, rice chips, caramel sauce right from the jar. I'm ashamed to admit it all, but if there is a bright side it's that I even though of eating an apple in the midst of all that other stuff!
I'm going to try not to let this bring me down. I walked yesterday and will try to get out there tomorrow as well. I'm already planning my meals for tomorrow. I just hope I'm feeling well enough to care.
ok, i think i am all caught up. I think i will make some banana bread today. You always say its so good and we've got banana's all over the place. I hope you are feeling better today. Try to lay off the carmel in the jar. i love you.